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fourth of july weekend

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So these are really random photos of our 4th of July weekend since I hardly took any (ugh). I celebrated my birthday on the 3rd of July and turned 29 years old, which sounds like a huge number to me. I’m not saying 29 is old or anything but being one year away from 30 just feels strange. It was a really great weekend spent with two really incredible boys. Since my b-day was on a Sunday we just stayed home, had eggs and sausage for dinner, and my favorite gluten free cake of all time. Beau gets so excited if we sing “Happy Birthday” since he always assumes it’s for him and thinks he gets presents. He literally sings happy birthday every single day most likely in hope of getting to eat ice cream and be showered with gifts. Sorry pal. Our 4th of July was spent working on a mini trampoline and swing set Grandma insisted on getting him. I’m not kidding it took Blake and I at least 10 hours to put this thing together. By the time we finished, on day two, it was 5pm and we were too tired to go anywhere to watch fireworks so we stayed inside and didn’t see any. I really love the 4th of July so it’s kind of a sad story, but seeing Beau play on his new swing made all the work worth it, and then I didn’t even care about fireworks. He swung on that tiny swing for a solid 30 minutes without getting off once!

It was a happy weekend and now we are off to a little vacation with Blake’s family for a few days. The month of July is one of my favorites, and this one is going to be good.

two years.


Today my baby turned two. I’ve been thinking all week about the day he was born, and exactly what I was doing two years ago leading up to his birth. I was enjoying being finally finished with school, working for my mom up until the day I had him. I went into my dr. appointment for my 38 week check and was surprised when my dr asked if I wanted to deliver the following week. Of course I was thrilled to not have to go to 40 weeks and to get to meet my baby early. I loved every bit of the day he was born. It was a Thursday, the hospital was brand spanking new it almost felt like we checked into a hotel. That entire day was bliss, mixed with pain. But the kind of pain that is worth it, the kind of pain you would relive over and over again. When I can’t sleep at night I try to remember every detail of that day and play it over in my brain. It always makes me smile and cry and feel so grateful that he’s mine. Two years came and went so fast it breaks my heart a little. But they have been the most fulfilling years I’ve ever lived. Happy Birthday my baby, I’ll love you forever.