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crate & barrel

he misses me when i’m gone

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antlers: restoration hardware// lamps: target// bed: crate & barrel// nightstands: crate & barrel (similar)

I just got home from a couple days in Vegas with my mom and cousin. Three days and two nights away from my baby scared me. But I stayed so busy shopping and eating that it went by faster than I thought it would! And while I had the best time on a break with the girls, I sure was happy to come home to my boys. The best part of all was ringing the doorbell when I got home to be greeted by my smiling baby shouting “mama mama mama!!” And then I just melted on the floor into a puddle. He didn’t forget me! He maybe even missed me a little, even if he was with his favorite parent for a few days. I did find a few great things I had to buy in Vegas including these shoes, and this backpack in a matte metallic color. Now it’s back to our life of cars, and coloring, and books, and it’s my favorite thing on the planet.