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the little fireman

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One of our friends asked us if we wanted to spend a morning at the fire station to see the firetrucks last week. Of course we were thrilled to go since Beau loves anything with wheels. When we walked in to see all the trucks I underestimated just how excited he would be. “FIRETRUUUUUCK!!!” he squealed, while I chased him around the entire garage. He was even more giddy when they let him drive. All he needs in life is to pretend drive. He has locked himself in the car twice pretend driving and both times he was thrilled and I was panicked. One of those times we found spare keys, the other time the fire department had to come break him out. He got the best of both worlds to drive an actual firetruck. His driving dreams were made, plus he took an extra long nap afterward for good measure.