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babies and buns

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We are super sad the weekend is over already. Dad going back to work all day always bums us out over here. But this week is going to be a good one with lots of time spent outside, plus we get a fence for our yard and that makes us even happier. I love the month of May because that means summer is almost here, and we really love summer. Except for the fact that this baby turns TWO next month and that makes me a little sad. Or a lot sad. So I get one more month of my little one year old baby before people consider him a “toddler”. Even though he’s been toddler size since about 18 months. To me he’s my squishy baby boy who I’ll squeeze forever, or until he fights himself free.

beau loves his dad, and cars.

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I snapped these pics the other night when my boys were playing. They play all night once dad is home and it’s one of my favorite things to see. Beau waits all day to see his dad and if he hears a noise that resembles the garage opening (like the dishwasher) he immediately runs to the door “daddy home?”. He’s his favorite person and it’s so sweet, and sometimes annoying ;). Today I took Beau to Target looking for a gift for my nephew and he sees the toy cars and immediately starts screaming “CARS CARS CARS!!!!” I quickly let him pick 2 cars, ripped open the package and put 1 in each hand. But soon he saw more cars and hated the ones in his hands, so he threw them. This time his scream was a high pitched bloody murder scream. I’m sure people thought I was the meanest mom ever but I booked it outta that toy section and he screamed the entire rest of the time we were in the store. When we got home he loved his 2 little cars again and couldn’t be sweeter. good grief.

a baby in jeans and no shirt.


turban: mandy tangerine c/o// dress: mindy mas’s market c/o

Is there anything better than a baby in jeans without a shirt? Oh my sweet boy sure keeps me on my toes every day. He is constantly learning new dangerous tricks like climbing up and down the bar stools or climbing shelves in the pantry to reach a pack of m&m’s. I swear I watch him carefully but he can be sneaky! I love him so much. This age is so busy and fun and I’m loving every second of being his mom. Maybe minus the dramatic tantrums he throw from time to time 😉

Happy Wednesday, I hope you’re having the best week.

a little about my better half


Since it was my Blake’s 34th birthday last week I wanted to talk a little about him. These photos are about 2 years old, but some of my very favorites I’ll always cherish. I was actually pregnant with Beau in these but it was super early so I wasn’t showing yet! For his bday we went on a date just the two of us to dinner and a movie. It was so nice to get some time together without accommodating to our little guy. Blake is my favorite person on earth. He makes me laugh every day, is the best dad to our baby, works so hard for his family, and loves us so much. I could go on about all of his great qualities. Plus he is super sweet when it comes to the things I want to do. I have so many ideas for decorating our house like Chip and Joanna, and he just shakes his head sweetly saying how we need to do these things slowly because it’s SO expensive to decorate a house. Like I said, he takes care of us and makes sure I don’t spend all our money on shiplap and antique home decor. 😉 Happy 34 years my Blake, I love you bud.

a warmer week

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This weeks weather has been so much sunnier than we’ve had in a little while so we have been enjoying playing outside. Beau is OBSESSED with being outside so much he hangs on the doors constantly begging for me to take him out. My Blake has been out of town for work the past few days which I hate more than anything. But he is coming home tomorrow!! I couldn’t be more excited. Beau and I have been staying with my parents while he has been gone. I’m not used to staying alone in our new house so I just decided to stay with them so I didn’t freak myself out being me and the babe alone. Plus staying at my parents means I get to share a bed with Beau and I just love snuggling up to him. Last night he slept on my neck for a few hours! And while it was not the most comfortable for me, I just soaked it up. It’s not very often this boy will give me a cuddle anymore.

Have a great week!

reading with bookroo


I’ve mentioned before how much Beau LOVES books. Being read to is one of his favorite things, and something we do every single day. So when Bookroo reached out we were so excited! I mean you should see Beau’s collection of reading material, and honestly you can never have too many books. They sent us the cutest little collection of books that have now become regulars in our reading rotation. One of his new books has a baby in it so of course he has to always point out the baby and say: “baby in a diappy” over and over again! Reading time will always be one of my most favorites with him. We’ve been reading to him since he was in the womb so it’s always a special moment for us. Thanks to Bookroo for partnering up with us! If you want to receive $5 off your order click here!

photos by: angela young photography

beau with a side of donald duck

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We have been so happy to be outside in this sunshine that sometimes we can’t even make it out of jammies before we get out of the house. Beau gets in phases with his toys where he has certain favorites he refuses to let go of. It’s usually a car of some sort but when he saw this Donald Duck among his bath toys it didn’t leave his hand for a full day. It’s his favorite Disney character by far. He’s always saying “Donald Donald” in his sweetest baby voice. We are so happy it’s Friday and we get some days to spend time all together! I hope you guys have a great weekend.