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this window

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Who can resist a baby in a diaper? Or a beanie for that matter. This spot on the window behind the couch is probably his favorite. He’s really not allowed to climb anything, but this window is an exception. I love to watch him look out and point to all the things he sees. He’s super into colors, so he tells me every single color of each thing. It’s my favorite. We spend a lot of time on this couch together, because it has the best view, and it’s always covered in toys. My job of being his mom is the best one I’ve ever had.

beau with a side of donald duck

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We have been so happy to be outside in this sunshine that sometimes we can’t even make it out of jammies before we get out of the house. Beau gets in phases with his toys where he has certain favorites he refuses to let go of. It’s usually a car of some sort but when he saw this Donald Duck among his bath toys it didn’t leave his hand for a full day. It’s his favorite Disney character by far. He’s always saying “Donald Donald” in his sweetest baby voice. We are so happy it’s Friday and we get some days to spend time all together! I hope you guys have a great weekend.

days like these.

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This is just an average day in the life of us. Bottles before naps, selfies, moving from the floor to the couch, and back again. He gets so irritated when I force him to cuddle and kiss me when he’s too busy with more important things. But every so often he’ll humor me and give me a small snuggle or squeeze just to get me off his back. All that does it get me excited and think that he does in fact love the way I hold on to him too tight and too long. He tells me “no” and gives me a nudge. Did I mention he can say practically everything? He just busted out naming shapes this morning out of nowhere. I didn’t know he knew what an oval was. He just kept saying “circle, square, star, heart, diamond, oval” He learned it from YouTube, not me. He makes me so proud to be his mama.