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norman reedus


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We are so happy it’s Friday over here. Blake had to go out of town this past week for work, which happens like once a year. Every single time I dread it. It’s not because I have to be a single mom for a few days, because really my baby is such a good boy for me mooooost of the time. But I just really miss HIM. So hooray for him being home and all of us back in our beds (Beau and I stayed at my parents while Blake was gone). And since Blake was gone on Sunday night I had to wait until Wednesday night to watch the season finale of The Walking Dead. Does anyone watch it? I am a HUGE fan, but this season just did nothing for me. Except for staring at Daryl Dixon I just haven’t been impressed. And the season finale was really only good the last 7 minutes of the total 90 minutes. So here’s hoping that gets better next season.

Anyway, happy weekend! We will be playing outside in the warmth.