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fourth of july weekend

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So these are really random photos of our 4th of July weekend since I hardly took any (ugh). I celebrated my birthday on the 3rd of July and turned 29 years old, which sounds like a huge number to me. I’m not saying 29 is old or anything but being one year away from 30 just feels strange. It was a really great weekend spent with two really incredible boys. Since my b-day was on a Sunday we just stayed home, had eggs and sausage for dinner, and my favorite gluten free cake of all time. Beau gets so excited if we sing “Happy Birthday” since he always assumes it’s for him and thinks he gets presents. He literally sings happy birthday every single day most likely in hope of getting to eat ice cream and be showered with gifts. Sorry pal. Our 4th of July was spent working on a mini trampoline and swing set Grandma insisted on getting him. I’m not kidding it took Blake and I at least 10 hours to put this thing together. By the time we finished, on day two, it was 5pm and we were too tired to go anywhere to watch fireworks so we stayed inside and didn’t see any. I really love the 4th of July so it’s kind of a sad story, but seeing Beau play on his new swing made all the work worth it, and then I didn’t even care about fireworks. He swung on that tiny swing for a solid 30 minutes without getting off once!

It was a happy weekend and now we are off to a little vacation with Blake’s family for a few days. The month of July is one of my favorites, and this one is going to be good.

memorial day

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I took a little break over here for a while. Sometimes I just need to be with my family and not think about blogs or instagram. I feel better when I take some time off to just put down my phone and be present. This Memorial Day was exactly that, nothing but time together. Part of our day was spent swimming at my parents with our little fish. This boy can’t get enough swim time and can’t stop smiling the entire time! These two swam for 3 hours until they were straight up raisins. We soaked up our long weekend, and are ready for the short work week to be over already. Because nothing is better than sunny days with Blake and Beau.

when life gets tough


It’s been a bit of a rough week. Stresses with some things in life have caused a lot of heartache and anger and sometimes it’s hard for me to have a good outlet to get things out. I mean after I talk my husbands ear off sometimes I need to write my feelings out. This photo is from a shoot Beau and I did with Mindy Mae’s Market a couple weeks ago, and it makes me smile so I look at it often. My baby boy is the happiest running outside and the photographer caught his true happy self right here. Although to be honest he was an absolute terror during the entire photoshoot and I had to chase him all over the park in my skirt. When I finally caught him he would throw himself into a backbend on the floor and I had to practically drag his limp body back to the shoot. I cried a few times that morning in private so when they sent me this shot I was shocked they captured anything good at all of Beau or me. It gives me hope to know that when things seem like a nightmare, there is still some hope for good things. I have hated social media (aka Instagram) this week. Do you ever feel like that? Sometimes I get too caught up in it all and end up getting down on myself for one thing or another. So sometimes I need a break to remember that it’s just Instagram. And if it all went away tomorrow that I really have all I need anyway.

So I’ve decided the rest of this week will be better. I’m going to make it better, because really life is so very good.

rad swim


rainbow suit c/o rad swim// yellow suit c/o rad swim

You guys, I was kind of nervous to post these. I am not a swimsuit model and I’m not super comfortable flaunting myself around (insert monkey covering eyes emoji). But when Rad Swim sent me these suits I tried them on and fell in love. I was actually comfortable in them! I love a good one piece almost more than a good two piece. I am so excited to take my baby swimming this summer and wear these to the pool. So if you’re looking for a new swimsuit, look no further! Now if only the weather could actually get warm. Happy Friday friends.

photos: Angela Young

hoses are for swimming and drinking.

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This summer has been my baby’s first time swimming. He has loved the pool but, I think he may like the hose even more. The fact that it’s the temperature of an icicle doesn’t bother him in the slightest! Plus he learned he can drink the hose, but the pool is off limits for drinking. Oh how I love that sweet milky white chub of mine.

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This having a one year old thing is way too much fun.