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hoses are for swimming and drinking.

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This summer has been my baby’s first time swimming. He has loved the pool but, I think he may like the hose even more. The fact that it’s the temperature of an icicle doesn’t bother him in the slightest! Plus he learned he can drink the hose, but the pool is off limits for drinking. Oh how I love that sweet milky white chub of mine.

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This having a one year old thing is way too much fun.

my first post.

Years ago I used to blog. I started my last blog about my life on a whim after going through a painful divorce at the tender age of 21. I was newly single and felt the urge to put all my feeling, experiences, and all of my everything on this space that was really intended for myself and maybe a few friends and family to read. At one point I just stopped writing after I found my Blake. I didn’t know if I could do the blog thing like so many do now days. It’s still out there on cyberspace and I look back on it from time to time and smile. You can find it here if you’re interested.

I have felt that urge to start writing again over the past year or so and kept pushing it away. There are so many bloggers out there (especially in Utah right?!) and I didn’t just want to hop on the bandwagon of fashion bloggers and such (although I love a good fashion blog). But here I am anyway ready to start a new adventure in which I can only be myself and hope you can embrace the me that I am. So bear with me as I update this site and try to work out all the kinks (I’m working on my tech skills.) I want to share things that I love, which mostly have to do with my chubby big lipped baby. So this blog will be a smorgasbord of sorts. And hopefully a delicious one.

Thanks for reading, I hope you’ll follow along!