when life gets tough


It’s been a bit of a rough week. Stresses with some things in life have caused a lot of heartache and anger and sometimes it’s hard for me to have a good outlet to get things out. I mean after I talk my husbands ear off sometimes I need to write my feelings out. This photo is from a shoot Beau and I did with Mindy Mae’s Market a couple weeks ago, and it makes me smile so I look at it often. My baby boy is the happiest running outside and the photographer caught his true happy self right here. Although to be honest he was an absolute terror during the entire photoshoot and I had to chase him all over the park in my skirt. When I finally caught him he would throw himself into a backbend on the floor and I had to practically drag his limp body back to the shoot. I cried a few times that morning in private so when they sent me this shot I was shocked they captured anything good at all of Beau or me. It gives me hope to know that when things seem like a nightmare, there is still some hope for good things. I have hated social media (aka Instagram) this week. Do you ever feel like that? Sometimes I get too caught up in it all and end up getting down on myself for one thing or another. So sometimes I need a break to remember that it’s just Instagram. And if it all went away tomorrow that I really have all I need anyway.

So I’ve decided the rest of this week will be better. I’m going to make it better, because really life is so very good.

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  • Reply Sierra May 10, 2016 at 3:27 am

    This picture is just gorgeous. I’m sorry you’re having a rough time! I hope everything works out/gets better soon. I never get professional family pictures taken because my girls do exactly the same thing! Eve has always been a terror when it comes to being photographed. She’s getting a little better, though.
    At least you got this amazing shot! It would have been so painful to go through all that stress and have nothing to show for it!


  • Reply Jalisa May 4, 2016 at 2:35 pm

    First off, you look SO beautiful in this photo that no one would ever know what was going on behind the lens, I also really love the skirt, how cute!? I know what you mean. Life can certainly be overwhelming, especially when so many things unexpectedly get thrown at you, but remember the saying as cliche as it may sound, “what doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.” It really is true. Think of all the hard, challenging times you’ve ever faced and how you felt at THAT moment going through it all. It was tough, BUT you got through it and not only did you get through it, it changed you, it made you better, it made you the beautiful and strong woman you are today. So know this, whatever it is you’re going through, allow yourself to experience the emotions because you’re human, but remind yourself at the same time how you’ve gone through challenges before and that you WILL this time for sure 🙂 Being a mom is not an easy job, there are no days off and there’s no retirement, but you’re job is the best job in the entire world and you’re doing a fantastic job at it and with grace 🙂 Sending a huge hug your way, gorgeous!



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